The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Fairies

Illustrated by Christa Unzner
Tanglewood Press
The sun is shining. The birds are singing. It’s a perfect day for… tracking fairies! Join our intrepid narrators as they follow a series of backyard clues, getting closer and closer to their magical friends. You too can learn to see the world through fairy-tinted glasses.
- A “Best Books for Children 2009” choice by the Association of Booksellers for Children
- Featured in Scholastic: Parent & Child magazine’s “Fun Finds”
“Text and art work in tandem to create gentle suspense—scenes, such as one in which fairies retrieve a lost slipper just behind the retreating shoes of the searching children, will prompt giggles, and the promise of a fairy encounter is sweetly fulfilled at the end.” –Publishers’ Weekly
“This story informs readers that fairies are just about everywhere, if they know how to look. The art is composed of photographs juxtaposed with cartoonlike drawings of the magical creatures. … Seeks to inspire children to notice the magnificent natural world in their own backyard or neighborhood.” –School Library Journal
“The text’s personal tone invites children in … and there is a lot to see. Kids will enjoy spotting the fantastical creatures hiding here and there amongst the flora and fauna of the outdoor settings … this guide will spark their own imaginations and writings.” –Booklist
“Treats fairies as creatures that live in our gardens and are all around us in nature. Blending photography and art, the book dazzles the imagination while providing a guide to spotting the telltale signs of fairies that are all around us.” –Bookviews
“With a delightful mix of photos and illustrations, The Tiptoe Guide To Tracking Fairies is a wonderful way to get your imagination in gear for your own fairie spotting adventure.”—Faerie magazine

Fun Stuff!
- Click here to download a Teacher’s Guide, packed with activities, games, recipes, and more!
- Go behind the scenes with this Blog Talk Radio episode, to hear all about how the book was born!